For a long time i have used online resources to learn and to solve computer problems that i face, it has actually is the best place i can get whatever information or resource i need. The online forums and communities provide the best solutions on how to get out of any trouble, but at times i dont feel as Africans we are taken care of, its like we are not in this (software hardware development) with the rest of the world. There are so many start ups in Africa that are doing great that shows the talent that is down here though much of it is untapped and it. might remain so for long, this site brings solutions in the ‘most’ African way possible that will help you minimize the cost on using the expensive internet bundles or utilizing the slow internet or computer speed. I ensure that anything you install after reading this wont consume much of your computer resources, i test most of my solutions to ensure they work properly.
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Emmanuel Omonso Anasi ~ the author