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SyntaxDB — A Perfect Programming Syntax “Search Engine” For Coders

Very often programmers new to the field ask if is it okay to use Google and Stack Overflow to look up some syntax. The answer is yes — searching the web is a routine task of a good developer and its frequency even increases with time. Using Google doesn’t make you a bad programmer. Instead, it makes you even better at it and teaches you new things. To make things even easier for programmers, Anthony Nguyen, a software developer studying at Queen’s University, has created SyntaxDB.[Read More…]

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best html5 libraries

For any web developer or designer, HTML5 tools and libraries prove to be a great help when it comes to step up their workflow and perform repetitive tasks. These tools are blessed with all the richness and power that help webmasters to augment the value of their work and improve the usability of their web designs and development.Here we are showcasing some of the best HTML5 tools and libraries for web developers and designers.[Read More…]

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Some of the most commonly asked HTML interview questions (part two)

26. Enlist the Internationalization Attributes for XHTML Element.
1. XML: Lang
2. DIR

27. What is CSS?
CSS is an abbreviated form of Cascading Style Sheets. It provides easy and effective alternatives to.specify various attributes for the HTML Tags. Using CSS, you can mention a Style properties for any HTML element. Without the need of mentioning the details separately in every Web Page, you can just make a .CSS file and fill in the details there. It will automatically be updated to every
.HTML Web page.
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Some of the most commonly asked HTML interview questions (part one)

1. Explain Semantic HTML?
Semantic HTML is a Style of Programming. It is basically making use of HTML Markup to reinforce the Meaning of the Content. Example: In semantic HTML , we prefer to use


Tag instead of


Tag for Bold Statements.Similarly, we prefer to use


Tag instead of


Tags for Italic Statements.

2. What is LongDesc in HTML?
Longdesc is an attribute that allows you to provide a Link to another page that contains a description of the frame contents. For example:


3. Explain the Drawbacks of using FRAME Tag.
1. Some compact devices such as Tablets and Mobile Phones cannot cope up with the content within a FRAME Tag due to Screen Resolution issues.[Read More…]

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C++ “Do you wish to continue? Press y for yes and n for no” LOOP

Do you need to get your C++ program to display

do you wish to continue? press y for yes, n for no

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